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(1)Xiaoying Ding, Yukun Zhang, Jie Zheng*, Xiaopeng Yue. Design and Social Factors Affecting the Formation of Social Capital in Chinese Community Garden[J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12: 10644. (SCI, SSCI)

(2)Chen Siyuan, Zhang Yukun and Zheng Jie*. Assessment on global urban photovoltaic carrying capacity and adjustment of photovoltaic spatial planning[J], Sustainability, 2021,01. (SCI, SSCI)

(3)Jie Zheng*, Lulu Sun. Research on the Development Status and Strategy of Productive Rooftop Gardens on Commercial Complexes[J], Journal of Resources and Ecology, 录用待刊,预2021(12).

(4)Jie Zheng, Lulu Sun, Yukun Zhang*. Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus for Productive Community Design: Review and Prospect[J], Advancements in Civil Engineering & Technology, 2021, 03: 3-5.

(5)Jie Zheng, Yating Lv, Yukun Zhang*. A Mini Review of Research on Urban Agricultural Potential at City Scale[J], Advancements in Civil Engineering & Technology, 录用待刊.

(6)郑婕,吕雅婷,张玉坤,丁潇颖*. 共建、共治、共享——深圳社区花园建设机制研究[J],建筑创作,录用待刊.

(7)Yuanchuan Yang, Yukun Zhang*, Si Huang. Urban Agriculture Oriented Community Planning and Spatial Modeling in Chinese Cities[J], Sustainability, 2020, 12, 8735. (SCI, SSCI)

(8)Tian-tian Feng, Xiao-lei Gong, Yu-hua Guo, Yi-sheng Yang, Bin-bin Pan, Shao-ping Li, Jun Dong. Electricity Cooperation Strategy Between China and ASEAN Countries Under “The Belt and Road”[J], Energy Strategy Reviews, 2020, 30, 100512. (SCI)

(9)陈思源,张玉坤,郑婕*. 城市光伏潜力优化——以呼和浩特市为例[J],建筑节能,录用待刊,预2021(6).

(10)丁潇颖,张玉坤,郑婕*. 社区农园管理策略研究——基于英国份地农园的启示[J],建筑创作,2021(1).

(11)张玉坤,丁潇颖,郑婕*. 住区建成环境与都市农业的整合设计策略研究[J],室内设计与装修,2020(11):15-17.

(12)丁潇颖,张玉坤*, 社会资本视角下社区农园空间规划研究[J]. 城市问题,2020(06):29-36.

(13)张玉坤,丁潇颖,郑婕*. 基于社会资本理论的社区农园功能与策略研究[J],风景园林,2020,27(01):97-103.

(14)穆大伟,张玉坤. 屋顶温室蔬菜生产与光伏发电复合生产潜力研究——以天津城区为例[J],建筑节能,2020,48(02):83-90+125.

(15)张玉坤. 身体-空间:建筑学与人类学关联性的思考[J],AC建筑创作,2020(02).

(16)Wen Zhang, Nyuk Hien Wong, Yukun Zhang, Yuhong Chen, Shanshan Tong, Zheng Zheng, Jiaxuan Chen. Evaluation of the photovoltaic potential in built environment using spatial data captured by unmanned aerial vehicles[J], Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7(5): 2011-2025.

(17)张玉坤,陈格格,郑婕*,孙莉. 田园生产性养老现状与发展模式探析——以环沪地区为例[J],现代城市研究,2019(12):54-61.

(18)韩丹,张玉坤,露丝˙施泰纳,郑婕*. 美国公路路权用地的可再生能源开发规划与启示[J],城市空间设计,2019(8).

(19)郑婕*. 后工业社会问题剖析[J],产城,2019,8(8):120-122.

(20)穆大伟,郑婕,王琴,艾腾腾. 透气型砂栽培研究进展与前景分析[J],热带作物学报,2019,040(012):2519-2527.

(21)Li Zeqin, Zheng Jie*, Zhang Yukun. Study on the Layout of 15-Minute Community-Life Circle in Third-Tier Cities Based on POI: Baoding City of Hebei Province[J], Engineering, 2019, 11: 592-603.

(22)张玉坤,宫盛男,张睿. 基于生产性景观的城市节地生态补偿策略研究[J],中国园林,2019,35(02):81-86.

(23)Gong Xiaolei, Liu Xizhou, Zhang Lilin, Mycelium promotes ecological utilization of waste wood[J]. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2019, 125(2): 86.

(24)赵曼,张玉坤,张睿,王晓武. 城市屋顶农业潜力评估及案例研究[J],建筑节能,2019(8) .

(25)王晓静,张玉坤,张睿. 国外城市内部空间与都市农业的整合设计实践及思考[J].国际城市规划,2019,34(02):142-148.

(26)于家宁,张玉坤,黄瑞茂,张睿. 社区营造模式下社区户外空间适老化更新策略研究——以台湾地区新北市正德里友善巷弄营造为例[J],建筑与文化,2019(12).

(27)穆大伟,张玉坤,孙莉,何秦丽. 生菜在建筑外墙遮阳板、屋顶、阳台的环境适应性和生态效益研究[J],干旱区资源与环境,2019,33(09):116-124.


(29)刘长安,张玉坤,赵继龙. 基于物质循环代谢的城市“有农社区”研究[J],城市规划,2018,42(01):52-59.

(30)宫盛男,张玉坤,张睿,郑婕*. 基于打破“空间互斥性”假设的既有城市生态足迹分析研究[J],城市发展研究,2018,25(1):7-14.

(31)张玉坤,丁潇颖,杨元传,张睿. 生产性理念下的社区绿色更新模式探讨[J],建筑节能,2018,46(08):22-28+36.

(32)Zhang Wen, Zhang Yukun, Li Zhe, Zheng Zheng, Zhang Rui, Chen Jiaxuan. A rapid evaluation method of existing building applied photovoltaic (BAPV) potential [J]. Energy & Buildings, 2017, 135: 39-49.(SCI)

(33)Jie Zheng, Yukun Zhang. The Productive Infrastructures[J], GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), 2017, 4(3): 92-95.

(34)郑婕,吴坡,张玉坤,张睿. 大巴黎规划国际咨询中“都市农业”设计思想探析[J]. 建筑节能,2017,45(07):52-55.

(35) 宫盛男,张睿,孙莉. 紧凑型城市:香港的经验及其对我国内地城镇化的启示[J],建筑与文化,2017(07):83-84.

(36)宫盛男,张玉坤,张睿,韩丹. 城市道路光伏发电的声环境影响研究[J],建筑节能, 2017,45(11):88-94.

(37)宫盛男,张玉坤,韩丹,于娟,张睿. 道路光伏发电对道路光环境的影响研究[J].建筑节能,2017,45(06):83-89.

(38)陈嘉璇,张玉坤,张文,张睿. 高速公路光伏收费站设计——以山西省太原地区高速公路收费站为例[J],建筑节能,2017,45(09):19-24+32.

(39)张文,张玉坤,张睿,陈嘉璇,郑峥,霍玉佼. 城市片区停车系统光伏潜力测评方法[J],建筑节能,2017,45(08):77-83.

(40)韩丹,张玉坤,张睿,杨元传,吴浩然,贡小雷. 公路服务区的太阳能整体化开发潜力分析——以太原高速公路太原服务区为例[J],建筑节能,2017,45(08):34-40.

(41)穆大伟,张睿,李长伟,李艳荣,田立波,王兰英. 城市雨水对生菜产量品质与重金属含量的影响[J],农业工程学报,2017,33(S1):348-354.

(42)张玉坤,郑婕. “新精神”的召唤——当代城市与建筑的世纪转型[J],建筑学报,2016(10):114-119.

(43)郑婕,贡小雷,袁逸倩,肖路. 合作式适老社区设计策略[J],城市空间设计,2016(12).

(44)张文,陈思源,张睿,高辉. 高层建筑可持续建筑策略研究——以珠江塔案例研究为例[J],建筑新技术7,2016:204-212.

(45)孙莉,张玉坤,张睿,贡小雷. 城市农业规划理论及其应用案例解析[J],现代城市研究,2016(3):46-53.

(46)肖路,张玉坤,郑婕,贡小雷. 碎片化绿地的用地评估及生产性设计——以米兰为例[J],建筑与文化,2015(12):61-62.

(47)郑婕,赵建波,张玉坤. 女生心理体验与大学校园外部公共空间的相关性分析[J]. 天津大学学报(社会科学版),2015(6):544-549.

(48)张睿,吕衍航. 国外“合作居住”社区设计布局演变及特征[J],建筑师,2015(5):24-33.

(49)倪韬,张玉坤,张睿. 城市建筑生产性策略浅析[J],建筑节能,2015(1):111-115.

(50)刘烨,穆大伟,张玉坤. 农业种植对室内环境影响研究初探[J],建筑节能,2014(1):  66-70.

(51)韩丹,张玉坤. 天津铁路枢纽与城市格局发展的互动关联探析[J],建筑与文化,2014(11):116-118.

(52)张睿,吕衍航. 国外“合作居住”社区—基于邻里、可支付、低影响概念的居住模式[J],建筑学报,2013(S2):60-65.

(53)孙艺冰,张玉坤. 都市农业在国外建筑和规划领域的研究及应用[J],新建筑,2013(04):51-56.

(54)孙艺冰,张玉坤. 国外城市与农业关系的演变及发展历程研究[J],城市规划学刊,2013(03):15-21.

(55)孙莉,张玉坤. 食物城市主义策略下的当代城市农业规划初探[J],国际城市规划,2013(05):94-102.

(56)刘烨,张玉坤. 垂直农业建筑浅析——以绿色收获计划为例[J],新建筑,2012(4):36-40.

(57)张玉坤,陈贞妍. 基于都市农业概念下的城郊住区规划模式探讨——以荷兰阿尔梅勒农业发展项目(Agromere)为例[J],天津大学学报(社会科学版),2012,14(5):412-416.

(58)张睿,吕衍航. 城市中心“农业生态建筑”解读[J],建筑学报,2011(6):114-118.

(59)Zhang Rui, Lv Yanhang. A New Living Concept Based on Low-Impact Strategy - The Sustainability of Cohousing Community[J], Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 224: 220-223.

(60)张睿,张玉坤,吕衍航. 基于低影响策略的居住新理念——国外“合作居住”(Cohousing)社区可持续性分析[J],建筑师,2011(3):15-21.

(61)张睿,张玉坤. 国外“合作居住”(Co-Housing)社区开发过程解析[J],天津大学学报(社会科学版),2011,13(4):327-333.

(62)张睿,张玉坤. 基于广泛互动和开放沟通的可持续性社区-WINDSONG“合作居住”社区设计居住模式分析[J],世界建筑,2011(3):112-117.

(63)Zhang Rui, Lv Yanhang. A New Living Concept Based on Low-Impact Strategy - The Sustainability of Cohousing Community[J], Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 224: 220-223.

(64)Lv Yanhang, Zhang Rui. Ecological Agriculture Technology in Urban Agriculture[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 224: 38-41.

(65)张睿,张玉坤. 国外合作居住社区的发展历程及特征[J],建筑师,2010(01):20-31.

(66)张玉坤,孙艺冰. 国外的“都市农业”与中国城市生态节地策略[J],建筑学报,2010(04):95-98.

(67)穆大伟,温春生,陈秋波,黄硕. 海南琼中黎族苗族自治县生态型高新农业调查报告[J],热带农业工程,2009,33(2):50-55.

(68)Zheng Jie, Sun LuluResearch on the Development Status and Strategy of Productive Rooftop Gardens on Commercial Complexes,Journal of Resources and Ecology,2021,12(03):409-418

(69)Zheng Jie, Sun Lulu, Zhang Yukun,Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus for Productive Community Design: Review and Prospect,Advancements in Civil Engineering & Technology,2021,4(4):e592

(70)Zheng Jie, Lyu Yating, Zhang Yukun,A Mini Review of Research on Urban Agricultural Potential at City Scale,Advancements in Civil Engineering & Technology,2021,4(4):e593

(71)Zheng Jie, Lyu Yating,An Experience Inspired by the Evolution of Community Gardens in New York City,Journal of Resources and Ecology,2022,13(02):299-311

(72)Yang Yuanchuan、Zhang Yukun,Zheng Jie,An Ecological Compensation Mechanism Based on the Green Productive Area of Cities,Journal of Resources and Ecology,2022,13(03):382-393

(73)Yong Zhang, Yukun Zhang, Zhe Li,A new and improved aquaponics system model for food production patterns for urban architecture,Journal of Cleaner Production,2022,342:e130867




(1)Zhang Yukun, Yang Yuanchuan, Zheng Jie, Huang Si. Urban Community Planning and Spatial Model Construction Supporting Sustainable Consumption and Production[C], 2020 IOP Conference Series: Earth Environmental Science, 588 042 038, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020.11.02-11.04.

(2)Yuanchuan Yang, Yukun Zhang*, Stephen Cairns, Si Huang, Jie Zheng. The Role Of Green Productive Community In Healthy Urban Planning[C], 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress, 2020.11.08-2020.11.10.

(3)Lyu Yating, Zheng Jie, Ding Xiaoying. A Study on the Development Mechanism of Community Garden in Shenzhen for "Collaboration, Participation and Common interests"[C]. 第十四届国际中国规划学会年会论文集,国际中国规划学会、深圳大学:第十四届国际中国规划学会年会,2020(12):吕雅婷宣讲.

(4)Zheng Jie*, Lyu Yating, Hong Long. Evaluation and Analysis on Suitability of Urban Vacant Land Based on Green Productive Renewal - A Case Study of Nankai District, Tianjin[C],丝路起点的新思路:为人的城乡:第十四届环境行为研究国际论会议文集,中国环境行为学会、西安建筑科技大学:第十四届环境行为研究国际研讨会,2020(10):91.

(5)Zheng Jie*, Sun lulu, Zhao Yilin. Study on the Site Selection of Rural Producting Aging Communities for Urban Elderly in Beijing-Tianjin Area[C], 丝路起点的新思路:为人的城乡:第十四届环境行为研究国际论会议文集,中国环境行为学会、西安建筑科技大学:第十四届环境行为研究国际研讨会,2020(10):47.

(6)Zheng Jie*, Lyu Yating, Yu Jianing. Analysis of Green Production Conditions and Research on green productive reform design of old residential area in the center urban area of Tianjin[C]. 丝路起点的新思路:为人的城乡:第十四届环境行为研究国际论会议文集,中国环境行为学会、西安建筑科技大学:第十四届环境行为研究国际研讨会,2020(10):57.

(7)李泽钦,张玉坤,郑婕*. 社区物质循环服务设施布局优化研究——以天津市中心城区为例[C],第八届“21世纪城市发展”国际会议论文集,中国城市规划学会:第八届“21世纪城市发展”国际会议,2019(12),110.

(8)Zhang Yukun, Ding Xiaoying,Wang Juan. Solution for community re-building: Exposing the hidden social value of community agriculture in China[C], 10th IALEWorld Congress. Milano, Italy, 2019.07.01-2019.07.05.

(9)洪龙(申请人学生),郑婕*,张玉坤. 城市废弃地绿色生产性更新方法研究——以南开区为例[C],第八届“21世纪城市发展”国际会议论文集,华中科技大学、中国城市规划学会:第八届“21世纪城市发展”国际会议,2019(12):228.

(10)杨元传,张玉坤,郑婕*,张睿. 未来生产性城市社区食物系统空间规划[C],中国城市规划学会、杭州市人民政府,共享与品质——中国城市规划年会论文集,2018(11).

(11)韩丹,郑婕,张玉坤. 城市交通空间的生产性改造分析[C],中国城市科学研究会、海南省规划委员会、海口市人民政府,2017城市发展与规划论文集,2017.07.

(12)吴浩然,张玉坤,贡小雷,郑婕. 生产性适老社区的设计概念初探[C]. 第十二届中国城市住宅研讨会, 2017(7)

(13)Zhang Yukun, Ding Xiaoying. Research on the Strategies and Methods in Productive Green Renovation of Existing Urban Communities[C]. WSBE 2017 World Sustainable Built Environment Conference. HONGKONG, 5-7 June, 2017. Hong Kong.

(14)Zhang Yukun, Ding Xiaoying. Research on the Photovoltaic Potential of Urban Bus Station[C], The 4th International Conference S, ARCH 2017. Hongkong, 2017.06.07-2017.06.09.

(15)Zheng Jie, Zhang Yukun. Layout Mode of Productive Infrastructure,International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2017.05.08-2017.05.09, Singapore.

(16)Xiaoying Ding, Yukun Zhang, Wen Zhang, Rui Zhang. Research on the photovoltaic potential of urban bus station[C]. The 4th International Conference S.ARCH 2017, 2017.

(17)Dan Han, Yukun Zhang, Rui Zhang. Analysis on the Productive Enhancement of Urban Traffic Environment [C], Proceeding of the 5th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering ACE2017, Singapore: Global Science & Technology Forum(GSTY), 2017: 432-438.

(18)Zhang Yukun, Han Dan, Zhang Rui.Productive Transforming of the Urban Traffic Space [C],World sustainable built environment conference 2017 Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Construction Industry Cuoncil, 2017: 2239-2244.

(19)Han Dan, Zhang Yukun, Zhang Rui. Productive Transforming of the Urban Traffic Space [C], Conference Proceeding of The 4th International Conferenc S. ARCH 2017, The University of Hong Kong, 2017: 501.

(20)Zheng Jie, Zhang Yukun. Layout Mode of Productive Infrastructure[C], International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2017.05.08-2017.05.09, Singapore.

(21)Chen Jiaxuan, Wang Xiaoan, Zhang Yukun, Zhang Wen, Zhang Rui. Research on the environmental-friendly lifestyle in Chinese eco-cities: The case study of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (SSTEC)[C]. 2017 International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2017.

(22)韩丹,张玉坤,张睿. 新丝绸之路经济带的道路光伏一体化探析[C],西安市人民政府外事侨务办公室、西安石油大学、陕西省石油学会.丝绸之路经济带能源科技国际会议论文集,西安市人民政府外事侨务办公室、西安石油大学、陕西省石油学会,西安,2016.10.

(23)Zhang Wen, Zhang Yukun, Zhang Rui, et al. The assessment of photovoltaic potential for parking system in urban areas: A case study of a university campus in Tianjin[C], International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, Singapore, 2016.04.25-2016.04.26.

(24)Dan Han, Yukun Zhang, Rui Zhang. Production analysis of traffic space[C], Proceeding of the 4th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE2016), Singapore: Global Science&Technology Forum(GSTY), 262-266, 2016.

(25)Zhang Wen, Zhang Yukun, Zhang Rui. Existing building integrated photovoltaic in cities[C]. International conference on changing cities 2 Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions. Porto Heli, Peloponnese, Greece. 2015.06.22-2015.06.26.

(26)Zhang Yukun, Han Dan. The organic integration of road traffic and photovoltaic system[C], International Conference on Changing CitiesⅡ: Spatial, Design, Landscape & socio-economic dimensions, Porto Heli, Greece, 539, 2015.06.22-06.26

(27)Siyuan Chen, Yukun Zhang, Rui Zhang. Distributed Generation based transformation of urban planning[C], 2nd International Conference on “Changing Cities” Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, 2015.06.22-06.26,Greece.

(28)Zhang Yukun, Zheng Jie*. From a Post-industrial City to a Productive City,International Conference on Changing CitiesⅡ: Spatial, Design, Landscape & socio-economic dimensions, Porto Heli, 603, Greece, 2015.06.22-2015.06.26.

(29)Zheng Jie, Zhang Yukun, Investigation and Analysis of landless peasants: Investigation on Tianjin Resettlement community, The 11th international symposium on environment-behavior research, 第十一届环境行为研究国际学术研讨会论文集,545-549页, 广州, 2014.11.07-09. (荣获Excellent paper award)




(33)刘烨,垂直农业构筑城市可持续发展[C],第八届全国建筑与规划研究生年会论文 2010.10.

(34)Sun Li, Zhang Yu Kun. City sustainable development with urban agriculture planning mode[C], Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC), 2011 2nd International Conference on. IEEE, 2011:6179-6182.

(35)孙莉,张玉坤. 低碳绿色城市规划设计策略:中新天津生态城项目的启示[C],2011中国城市规划年会论文集(光盘版),低碳绿色城市与和谐人居环境,2011.07.



(38)陈贞研,基于都市农业概念下的城郊住区规划模式探讨——以荷兰阿尔梅勒农业发展项目(  Agromere)为例[C],第九届中国城市住宅研讨会低碳绿色城市与和谐人居环境,2011.07.



