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(1)Heritage ontology research and spatial analysis

    ① Realize the spatial expression and digitization of heritage values (including authenticity and integrity);

    ② Research on the overall distribution law of large-scale heritage based on the historical spatial model of heritage;

    ③ Research on the connotation, component elements and hierarchical system of component elements based on spatial database;

    ④ Spatial history and cultural heritage database;

    ⑤ Research on spatial phenomena in historical context;

    ⑥ Spatial behavior and spatial cognition in historical environment;

    ⑦ Spatial information support and protection planning methods of cultural heritage in geodesign.

(2)Construction technology of geographic information system

    ① Process and method of large-scale heritage data management;

    ② Taking BIM and GIS as the information index framework, construct the professional GIS platform and spatial database of large-scale linear heritage protection, and discuss the strategy of the whole life cycle management technology of architectural heritage;

    ③ Spatial model modeling and spatial analysis of historical phenomena based on modern spatial data;

    ④ Non-spatial attribute analysis and modeling technology of cultural heritage and environment;

    ⑤ Data exchange and data standards among databases, analysis systems, cartography and visualization systems and among different geographic information platforms;

    ⑥ Professional information sharing and cooperative work system of remote cooperation.

(3)Environmental analysis technology

    ① Interpretation of spatial phenomena in landscape archaeology and historical geography based on spatial analysis technology;

    ② The influence of geography, geology, ecology and climate change and other geographical natural environments on heritage;

    ③ Research on related functional issues under the influence of multiple factors such as economy and politics;

    ④ The influence of cultural dissemination and the formation, exchange and change of cultural regions;

    ⑤ Influence of industrialization, urbanization, informatization and other modern factors.