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      2024年1月17日,课题组硕士研究生马锡栋等人在张玉坤教授、李严副教授指导下所撰的“Basic types and evolutionary characteristics of the socialist built heritage in China, 1949–1978: bibliometrics analysis of the People's Daily”(1949–1978年中国社会主义建成遗产的基本类型及其演进特征:《人民日报》的文献计量学分析)一文,于国际遗产领域权威期刊《Heritage Science》(SCI与AHCI收录,IF=2.50)发表。该成果是继2023年10月刊发社会主义建成遗产时空分布研究后的第二份阶段性成果。




      Taking the official and authoritative People’s Daily as the data resource, twenty-six basic types of SBH were obtained through qualitative logical induction and quantitative word frequency statistics supported by Python and Excel software. This finding can facilitate the construction of the typology system for heritage census and list establishment.


      By calculating the annual word frequency and the percentage of annual word frequency, the evolutionary characteristics of SBH for each basic type and field were objectively revealed and summarized into six chronological stages and three patterns. This finding can help the society to understand the development of SBH and strengthen the perception and understanding of its value.





BACKGROUND: The socialist built heritage (SBH) is a product of the great and typical socialist construction and is considered to be one of the unique contemporary legacies. However, due to political controversy and a shorter history, its conservation status is dire.


METHODOLOGYIn order to promote the understanding of SBH and its future conservation, a preliminary study on the basic types of SBH was conducted using China, the largest and most powerful socialist country at present, as an example. With the official People’s Daily as a base resource, the most generalized SBH types in the Socialist Revolution and Construction Period, as well as their evolutionary process and characteristics, were revealed from a bibliometric perspective using Python and Excel.



Fig. 1. Research Framework.

RESULTS: The main research findings are as follows. (1) SBH is an integrated heritage with multi-scale and broad characteristics. It is not limited to architecture, but also includes many planning heritages, landscape heritages and facility heritages. Meanwhile, there is some variation in SBH across construction fields. SBHs in fields B and C were the most widespread (73.10% of the total), while those in fields A, F, and G were less frequently mentioned (all less than 1.00%). In addition, the share of SBH specific to the basic type was uneven. Overall, the most frequently occurring basic types were factories and facilities, collective organization buildings, government agencies, and assembly buildings (all greater than 10.00%), while medical and healthcare buildings, recreation buildings and facilities, municipal services buildings, and religious and memorial buildings were less common (all less than 0.10%). (2) The evolutionary characteristics of SBH were closely related to the development of society and contained six chronological stages and three patterns. Among them, in terms of stages, 1953 to 1960 was the fastest growing stage for both the number and size of SBHs, influenced by the first Five-Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward and the People’s Communalization Movement. The period from 1966 to 1975 was the trough stage, especially from 1966 to 1969, due to the emergence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. In terms of fields, field F showed an evolutionary characteristic of no significant growth → sudden increase, while fields A and H fluctuated. The remaining fields of SBH were all featured by significant growth → significant reduction → smooth transition, as they were mostly directly related to major political events. In addition, SBH has evolved with time, demonstrating progressiveness in its function, structure, and size. 

结果:主要研究成果如下:(1) 社会主义建成遗产是一宗综合遗产,具有多尺度和广泛性的特点。它不仅限于建筑遗产,还包括许多规划遗产、景观遗产和设施遗产。同时,不同建设领域的社会主义建成遗产也存在一定差异。工业领域和农林业领域的遗产最为普遍(占总数的73.10%),而财贸领域、科技领域和大众文化领域的遗产则较少被提及(均小于1.00%)。此外,针对基本类型的 SBH 所占比例也不均衡。总体而言,出现频率最高的基本类型是工厂及设施、集体组织建筑、政府机构和会堂建筑(均大于10.00%),而医疗卫生建筑、娱乐建筑及设施、市政服务建筑和宗教及纪念建筑则较少出现(均小于0.10%)。(2) 社会主义建成遗产演变特征与社会发展密切相关,包含六个时间阶段和三种模式。其中,从阶段上看,受第一个五年计划、大跃进和人民公社化运动的影响,1953-1960年是社会主义建成遗产数量和规模增长最快的阶段。1966-1975 年为低谷阶段,尤其是 1966-1969年。从领域来看,科技领域的社会主义建成遗产呈现出无明显增长→突增的演变特征,而财贸和外交领域则为波动。其余领域的社会主义建成遗产因多与重大政治事件直接相关,基本呈现出大幅增长→大幅减少→平稳过渡的特点。此外,社会主义建成遗产也随着时间推移而不断发展,在功能、结构和规模上都表现出渐进性。


Fig. 2. Basic structural characteristics of the database for each field. (A) Number of valid reports; (B) Number of spatial terms; (C) Evolutionary trends in F-values in various fields.



Fig. 3. Compositional characteristics of basic types with its attributed spatial terms for each construction field. (A) Field A: finance and trade; (B) Field B: industry; (C) Field C: agroforestry; (D) Field D: transport; (E) Field E: hydrology; (F) Field F: technology; (G) Field G: culture, education, sports and sanitation; (H) Field H: diplomacy.


Fig. 4. The composition of the SBH basic types.

CONCLUSION: The immediate implication of this study is the initial establishment of a typology system for SBH, further emphasizing that it is an integral part of the contemporary cultural heritage system and calling for attention and protection. Then, the results refer to the sorting out of SBH types for China, Russia, and Central and Eastern European countries, which in turn can suggest item management and categorized assessment for future conservation work. For the remaining socialist countries today, this study can call on them to begin to pay forward-looking attention to this contemporary heritage type and to undertake preventive or salvage conservation in the future. Furthermore, the study will also be an important document for theoretical research in the field of SBH, and will have a positive value in explaining the process of socialist construction in New China and contemporary attitudes toward heritage conservation. 





Socialist built heritage, Basic type, Evolutionary characteristic, Bibliometrics analysis, Heritage conservation, Socialist China









Ma, X., Zhang, Y., Li, Y. et al. Basic types and evolutionary characteristics of the socialist built heritage in China, 1949–1978: bibliometrics analysis of the People's DailyHeritage Science, 2024, 11, e19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-024-01136-1

Ma, X., Zhang, Y., Li, Y. et al. Spatial–temporal distribution and evolution of the socialist built heritage in China, 1949–1978. Heritage Science, 2023, 11, e214. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-023-01060-w




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